Nestled in the heart of a picturesque Kentish village, between the historic cathedral city of Canterbury and the bustling market town of Ashford, our school locality provides so many opportunities for our children to benefit from access to wonderful natural and historic resources. Chilham Castle grounds and lake are generously made available to the school for our weekly Forest School sessions, as well as our annual Children in Need Ramble and RSPB Big Schools’ Bird Watch. Lunchtime meals are served in a magnificent Tudor building, the upstairs of which are our hall where we assemble for Worship and our library where we can relax with a book and develop our passion for reading. The school works closely with Chilham St Mary’s Church, the village hall and the fantastically resourced sports ground and hall, which the children use for sports clubs and PE.
We are a smaller than average school, where we teach children ages 4-11 across 4 classes. We care deeply about every child and every member of our school community; we strive to promote an environment which seeks to nurture our children towards their best potential, so that they feel confident, happy and ambitious to be the absolute best that they can be.
We hope you enjoy looking at our website and we would love to welcome you for a visit to our school if you are interested in your child joining us.
Delia Cooper