


Sport at Chilham St Mary’s CE Primary School

We strive to provide a broad range of sports and introduce and encourage children to experience new and different activities.  Recently, we greatly enjoyed our yoga and archery workshop days, where specialist coaches came in to work with us – children and staff!  We look forward to finding out what extra sports the children would like to try this year.

Active Playtimes

We always endeavour to ensure that playtimes are active and meaningful for all children. To this end we have introduced zones to the playground with a variety of exciting activities going on in each area, including dance, construction toys, dressing up and a ball games arena. So far feedback from the children has been extremely positive and we have been very pleased with the children that have been selected as the new Active Play Leaders who have taken charge of equipment and setting up.

Daily Fitness

Increasing fitness and health are vital and with this in mind, we have introduced our daily fitness sessions. Each class takes part in a dance or exercise session during the school day. This has been proven to assist with concentration levels as well as boosting fitness levels.

Intra-School Competition

In addition to weekly PE lessons, we also run regular ‘Level 1 Intra-School Competitions’ including dodgeball, tag rugby, handball and football tournaments, cross-country, hockey and sports day athletics.  The Badgers, Otters and Squirrels teams compete to be awarded the prestigious team cup!

Inter-School Competition

At Chilham, we believe that healthy competition is a part of growing up and it is always so amazing to see the enthusiasm with which our children embrace competing with other schools. We endeavour to ensure that all children across the school are given the opportunity to experience the many benefits, both physical and emotional well-being, of inter-school competition.


All children in Key Stage two (Martins and Peacocks classes) receive a block of weekly swimming lessons each year with the aim that they can swim a variety of strokes and are proficient in self rescue by the end of Key Stage Two.


The summer term sees our Year 5 and 6 children having the opportunity to brush up on their cycling skills with a course of Bikeability training. External instructors come in to teach the children the skills required for safe bicycle usage and road awareness.

The Chilham Daily Mile

We embrace the ‘Daily Mile’ initiative which involves children going for a brisk walk or jog around a set route in the village. The benefits of this initiative are widespread including increased physical activity, improved mental wellbeing and higher concentration levels when back in the classroom. Each class has a ‘Daily Mile Monitor’ whose responsibility it is to record daily miles and encourage class activity. Classes compete to see how many ‘Daily Miles’ they can do in a term and the winning class receives a small treat!

Our School Sports Council

Children from Years 5 and 6 form our Sports Council at Chilham.  They take on a variety of roles, including responsibilities for:

Sports Council Weekly Award

Our amazing Sports Council have decided to give out a weekly certificate for children attending the Year One Sports Club which takes place weekly. The certificates are given out during Friday’s Celebration Worship and are awarded for sporting skill, sportsmanship, enthusiasm, kindness to others and listening skills.

PE Star of the Week Trophy

Mrs Keir consults with all staff when selecting a child to become the PE star of the week. Only one child throughout the whole school is chosen each week and parents and carers deserve to be extremely proud if their child brings home a certificate and the trophy on a Friday! (Please note the trophy should be returned by the following Friday).


Please ensure that, as well as their school PE kit, your child has named jogging bottoms and spare socks for PE.

Extra sports clothes should be provided for after school sports club.